Our Programs
We are a licensed program and accept children 1.5 years to 6 years of age for the preschool and kindergarten program. We are also licensed and accept children 1.5 years to the age of 7 years for our summer program that is available June through select weeks in August.
Program Policies
Late Pickup Policy
If you get delayed or are going to be late picking up your child, please let us know as soon as possible. In the case a child is unintentionally left behind or forgotten within normal business hours, the procedure is: Ten minutes after school ends, each child remaining will automatically be signed into extended care at a charge of $12.00 per hour ($15.00 per hour under 3 years old, or in diapers). Extended care ends promptly at 6:00 p.m. (5:30 p.m after June 2). If a child is left after closing, AHP will: Call parent numbers listed; home, work, cell; Call emergency numbers listed for an authorized person to come and pick-up the child. After 60 minutes, if we are unable to contact the parents or other authorized person to pick-up the child, we will contact the proper authorities. *It is vital that one of the parties listed above is available at all times. Please make sure that AHP has current student contact information throughout the year. Immediately notify the preschool in writing with any changes made to the emergency cards. *Parents will be allowed no more than two unscheduled late pick-ups (traffic, car problems, etc). After two times, parents will be charged $5.00 per minute thereafter until the child is picked up.
Cell Phone Policy
Abiding Hope Preschool is a cell phone free zone. We ask that you please finish your calls before you enter the building. This is so your child has a warm welcome when they see you and so their teacher can share any information they may have about your child's day.
Visitors to the School
We keep a record of all visitors to the school. Visitors, including parent helpers, need to sign in the visitor log as you enter through the main office. Identification will be requested from anyone who is not known to the preschool staff.
Personal Belongings & Cubbies
Each child is assigned a cubby where he/she can store smaller belongings. Important projects, newsletters and notes will be placed in the cubbies. Please check your child's cubby daily. If you are picking up other children in a car pool, please check their cubbies and take contents with you so all parents will receive school information on a timely basis. Please do not send personal treasures or items of value with your child to school.
Television & Video Policies
State Law requires we inform parents that AHP may occasionally use age-appropriate programming with the use of television and/or videos. Please be aware that these programs may occasionally be used as a recreational tool during special events, parties, etc., as well as an educational resource. There will be times during the year when we may be videotaping and/or photographing our classrooms and students. These will be used for staff training, media publications, memory books/videos, and to inform parents about our program. Please fill out and return the combined Permission to Watch Educational/Recreational Television/Video Programs and Permission to Video and Photograph from provided at the end of the handbook.
Illness, Sickness & Injury Policy
In the event your child becomes ill at school, we will provide a supervised, safe place for your child to rest until the first available emergency contact person is reached and arrives to pick up your child. If a child becomes distraught, it is the expectation of the school that the child's parent or emergency contact person pick up the child ASAP. If you are contacted because your child needs your care, we ask that you arrive within 30 minutes of being notified. However, we acknowledge and will make accommodations for a longer period if necessary, but request the latest time is one hour maximum after being contacted. Please contact the school if your child will not be attending class due to illness. If your child sees a physician and a specific diagnosis is made (e.g. strep throat, croup, conjunctivitis, chicken pox, etc.), please notify the school so other families can be alerted. Neither your child's name nor the family's name will be disclosed to other families.