Parent Involvement

Abiding Hope schools always invite and welcome parents and family members to help throughout the school year. If you would like to help out, please contact your child's teacher or school administrator.
Parent Helpers
We encourage every parent to observe and assist in the classroom when possible. We do not schedule any parent helpers for the first month of school, to allow children to acclimate to their new class.
Room Parent
The room parent/coordinator will assist in planning classroom parties and special events; however, the success of these special occasions is contingent on the participation of all parents.
In-Kind Donations & Fundraisers
Fundraisers will be held periodically throughout the school year. These are designed to help us continually upgrade the quality of early childhood education and our facilities.
Field Trips
Throughout the school year, children in Pre-K and older take walking field trips. This requires a permission form, and parents are welcome to join/help.
Written permission slips are required by all students in order to participate in the field trip.
If a child arrives late and their class is on a field trip, the parent will need to transport the child to the location of his/her class or they will be placed with administrative staff until their class returns from the field trip.
*Children enrolled in the Littles, Tweens, and Three year old classes do not participate in off-site field trips.
**The roles of parent helpers may be different due to COVID-19 protocols. Please reach out to your child's teacher to see what they may need.